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BackLite Media Named Gold Sponsor of World Out of Home Organization's Hong Kong Congress

🌏 We're setting sail to Hong Kong!

We proudly announce our sponsorship at the prestigious World Out of Home Organization Hong Kong Congress in June 2024. As we navigate the evolving landscape of out-of-home advertising, this event represents an incredible opportunity to engage with global Out-of-Home leaders, share ideas, and showcase our commitment to advancing the industry.We look forward to discovering and shaping the evolving landscape of Out-of-Home media, connecting with industry leaders, innovators, and critical stakeholders shaping the future of out-of-home advertising.

Why Asia this time? The region is a massive global economic force with China vying with the US for biggest economy (and biggest national OOH market) and many of the developments we're seeing in Asia will become the reality for the industry in the rest of the world too, notably the growth of digital OOH and the use of Artificial Intelligence (A!).

At this year's Annual Congress we will look to cover many of the themes impacting on OOH including:

  • The impact of AI on many aspects of our businesses
  • Sustainability – still the Elephant in the Boardroom, for some
  • The growing importance of Retail Media
  • Audience Measurement evolution – still front and centre as an issue for OOH
  • Making OOH easier to buy with AdTech and how we tap into the omnichannel dollars

These are the forces shaping the global media market in 2024 and beyond and all of them pose formidable challenges for OOH. Retail media, in particular the exponential growth of retailer websites from the likes of Amazon and Walmart, may seem a world away from OOH but it's a phenomenon we have to find a way of competing against and potentially complementing; just as we did, for decades, with television.

All of these will be explored in depth in Hong Kong via a stellar line-up of speakers and panellists from all sides of the media industry and the planet


We are Shortlisted | MMA Global Smarties MENA Awards 2024

Great things happen when technology and Out-of-Home unite!

Prime Video & Amazon Studios's - Citadel Interactive DOOH campaign on our Dubai Festival City network has been shortlisted for the MMA Global Smarties MENA Awards 2024 in the Digital Out-of-Home (DOOH) category.

The campaign utilised advanced hand detection and gesture recognition technology to track and identify hand movements in real-time dynamically. This feature allowed the campaign artwork to seamlessly transform, resulting in an immersive and interactive experience that delighted visitors.


Anna Bager’s Speech At The OAAA 2024 OOH Media Conference

Welcome to the 2024 OAAA OOH Media Conference. This year marks our most diverse and dynamic event yet, with over 1,000 attendees spanning our incredible membership, world-class brand marketers, agency leaders, and technology partners – all here to elevate and celebrate out of home.

This year’s theme is Our Moment, which indeed it is. We kick off this event from a place of strength and opportunity. From technological advances to creative innovations, we’ve never been more set for success. This is a moment for us to fully seize.

Let’s channel the drive, innovation, and collaboration that has enabled us to thrive as an industry for decades and use it to push us forward.

Out of home is not just a survivor. It’s a thriver and a winner, continually adapting and evolving. We have enduring relevance, and our longevity proves it. But we’re at a pivotal moment, with unprecedented change around us. This is when we must fully harness our legacy of resilience, creativity, and ingenuity.

Because we are the medium of the moment. And now is the time to secure our future. It’s crucial that we not only solidify our role in the larger advertising ecosystem, but also, fully understand how we can both work with – and stand out from – other platforms, channels, and media.

As I stand here today, I’m proud to recognize that this industry delivers more value than ever. Out of home drives higher recall, higher engagement, and is more trustworthy than any other medium. We remain fully ingrained in the fabric of everyday life – where we work, live, and play. We’re memorable. We’re unskippable. We’re unstoppable.

Let me share some new Harris Poll results that we are releasing today: Over 70% of consumers view digital out of home ads more favorably than those in video, social media, print, audio, and online media channels.

That’s one of the reasons why digital out of home is the fastest growing segment of our industry, seeing double-digit growth in 2023. Yet while digital is a vital part of our offering, our influence extends well beyond that. Across the board, out of home has the unmatched ability to connect with every consumer segment, in every location – from the smallest towns to the largest cities. Marketers’ success hinges not only on extending their reach – but also in expanding their audience. They need to continually expose their brands to new customers.

This is where we shine.

We don’t just reach consumers once a day. We reach them several times a day and in countless ways and formats. With us, a brand isn’t creatively confined, nor is it interruptive. Instead, brands can show up in contextually relevant ways that grab consumer attention – whether that’s a towering billboard, eye-catching transit wraps, or a screen in a mall, elevator, or airport.

Speaking of, I am sure many of you saw our OOH welcome messages at the San Diego airport. Thank you to our friends at Clear Channel for bringing that execution to life.

As you likely also noticed during your trip out here, travel is back and consumers are out in the real world. The memory of the pandemic is fading and life is returning to normal. Despite this, misconceptions remain about some major cities where we have a big presence and footprint. These urban areas haven’t just rebounded from the pandemic but have renewed activity and energy.

Take San Francisco, Seattle, Chicago, and Portland, just to name a few: The images behind me are not from five years ago, they are from today, they were shared by you and they show a powerful resurgence.

We, as an industry, need to combat misconceptions about “The Great American City.” As you can see, it’s back and we have been an integral part of making it so. For instance, transit ad revenue funnels most of its proceeds back into municipalities and cities, bolstering essential services and infrastructure.

From big cities to small towns – and everything in-between – we are right there at the center of it and our brand partners are too. For instance, Gap is doubling down on their San Francisco investment, putting a spotlight on the city, and committing to its revitalization.

Our medium – the world’s longest-lasting and most established form of advertising – continues to grow. In fact, MAGNA projects our growth rate will more than double that of 2023.

That’s something to be proud of, and it’s because of your efforts. You’ve positioned us for the next level of success, now let’s capitalize on it.

This is our moment – right here, right now – to showcase our strengths, to tout our advantages, and fully seize the opportunity to set ourselves up for the future.

We all know the world is changing and it’s a world of signal loss. TV viewership is eroding, digital privacy concerns are intensifying, and cookies are deprecating.

It’s a universal industry problem that many struggle to solve, but for us as a one-to-many medium, it can be an opportunity. Context and location are what we sell. We are not plagued with the challenges facing other media channels, and this could be our moment to show up for brands that are facing these challenges too.

But there is still more work to be done. As we build our infrastructure for the future, we must learn from the missteps made by digital advertising as it evolved. We need a clean, simple supply chain without too many intermediaries. If we succeed in doing this, we will all make more money – media owners and agencies.

As Rishad Tobaccowala, the renowned author and former chief strategist at Publicis Groupe said, “The business of marketing is about pipes and poetry, and growth comes from the best possible combination.” We are the poets, and now let’s get the pipes right.

Thanks to the technological innovations we’ve embraced, we can better quantify advertiser investments. By leveraging advanced location-based technology, we can place the right message in the right place at the right time. Industry wide, we’re harnessing new tools such as AI to be more versatile, responsive, and data driven.

According to a recent OAAA member poll, over 50% of you now use AI in some way, shape or form – enhancing sales tactics, fueling creativity, or tapping into advanced business analytics, to name a few. By embracing these tools and strategies, we set ourselves up for immediate gains and long-term growth.

But it has to be AI + H.I. – human insights and human intuition. I don’t believe AI will take over the world, but it is a tool for us to use.
We can’t lose sight of our human superpowers or ethics, as AI becomes increasingly prevalent.

This is our moment to not just adapt to new technology, but to take the lead, because we’re not the only media sector that’s growing.

Retail media, CTV and the Creator Economy are flourishing, and we must show that OOH is integral and complementary to those channels and sectors.

Let’s pay attention to how retail media and CTV position and market themselves and then let’s leverage the insights we gain. We cannot be left behind or be late to the game.

OOH can seamlessly fit with those channels and collectively enhance brand awareness and drive sales, and it’s our moment to showcase that. Our recent Harris Poll study results support this, showing how OOH is a key part of the retail media mix.  93% of consumers who noticed directional DOOH ads and visited the business, made a purchase.

OOH is significant at every point of the consumer journey and plays an important role as a connector between other channels. Where we lead to retail media, CTV leads to us. We know that OOH + CTV, together, are a power couple, and it’s our moment to show brands how we can help amplify their CTV messaging as consumers leave their homes.

The creator economy has become pivotal to modern advertising, again a moment we are a part of and a moment we should seize. How did superstar Taylor Swift and Spotify choose to engage fans about her recent album launch? With a massive out of home campaign that also garnered massive press attention. Adding to the buzz, the singer shared a photo of a Times Square ad with her more than 284 million Instagram followers.

And it’s not just Times Square messaging that’s getting attention. Singer Lana Del Rey was also in the headlines when she strategically leveraged just a single, billboard in her ex’s hometown of Tulsa last year to launch her new album, reminding him of her greatness and what he was missing out on. And she released it on his birthday, no less, to worldwide attention via shared social media.

Those are just two examples of the real power of out of home. To quote Mark Tutssel, the legendary advertising creative and OOH champion, “Out of home is the theater of the streets.” We are at the center of cultural and societal moments like Coachella and the Super
Bowl. Stay tuned for a great session about this later today.

Although we’re living in the digital age, online experiences can never – and will never – replace real-life moments. I know I’m not alone in feeling the excitement that comes with us all being gathered here together today.

We are trusted, tried and true.

We drive action.

We get noticed.

We are real

And we make a meaningful difference in the world.

Out of home plays a crucial role in keeping the public informed and boosting civic engagement, which is especially important in this particular election year. A new OAAA and Morning Consult study examined out of home’s power when it comes to political messages. 56% of voters exposed to an out of home political ad in the past year deem the information in those ads to be truthful and accurate. The majority of consumers exposed to Get Out The Vote campaigns say those efforts made them more likely to vote, with almost a third of them reporting they saw that message via an out of home ad.

That’s the power of our influence.

But we need to prove our case and be comparable to other channels, that’s why measurement is so important.

Last Friday, our industry took a big step in that direction with Phase 1 of the MRC OOH Standards being released. For those of you who don’t know the MRC – it is the advertising industry’s measurement standards setter, created almost 60 years ago at the request of the US Congress and governed by the Department of Justice. All other media channels have MRC standards and now we have one too.

Why are these standards so important? Well, in a recent Mediapost survey of advertisers and agencies, 87% said MRC accreditation was important to their measurement data. ANA + 4A’s are big supporters as well. This was a moment we seized, and a huge step forward for our industry. We are on the right track for continued growth and shift of share, but it requires this collective group to put the work in.

Here are 4 action items I believe will help us get there:

  1. We must go to market with a simple, crisp message. This is a critical point. Even though we represent different platforms and formats, we are ALL united under the out of home banner. We are merely a small part of ad spend, less than 5%, so it’s important that our messaging not make us appear smaller and disjointed. As the trade association for out of home, OAAA is committed to helping the industry align and move forward here.
  2. We must all work together and continue to learn from each other. That includes multigenerational learning within our industry, as well as learning from other parts of the advertising and marketing worlds. It includes leaning into diversity, equity, and inclusion. We can’t exist in isolation. To sell more, you need to know more. That’s where growth will come from. We must find a way to learn from industry veterans while tapping into new perspectives from the next generation. We’re already off to a strong start with our new Future Leaders Program, which embraces fresh ideas and invests in the next generation of our industry. And, we are honored to have these future leaders in the room today. We are thrilled you’re here with us and we value your ideas and insights.
  3. We need to lean into new technologies and understand the value of data – but do it responsibly. We must embrace technology and innovation in all aspects of our business, from planning and selling, to creative messages, and to analyzing their effectiveness. Automation and programmatic out of home platforms now put us on the same playing field as other media channels and we can offer a flexible, targeted buying experience that resonates with consumers and brands. But it’s also important to remember that just because you can doesn’t mean you should. Everything we do, should be done against a backdrop of consumer desires, privacy regulation and what’s truly right for the brands we serve. We don’t want to be creepy, overpowering or unnecessarily provocative and we don’t have to be. Our merits make us strong enough.
  4. Finally, and most important, we must believe in ourselves and the value of our medium. Communicate our power clearly, and ways that help brands see us as the solution they need at this moment. We are not a silo, we’re the fabric and connective tissue between media formats and it’s imperative we sell ourselves this way.

You are a part of an industry that is at the forefront of creativity and innovation, and we should own that. Our canvasses give us advantages that no other medium has. Our work is seen by millions of people, several times a day. We drive brand awareness on a massive scale and share messages that enhance people’s lives and change their perspectives. We’re also taking action to do what’s right for the planet. From digital signs powered by solar energy to investing in carbon offsets, we’re implementing eco-friendly programs that also resonate with consumers and brands. Sustainability is a focus, not a fad. It’s about the future. It’s about forever.

OAAA is here to both celebrate you and help you achieve your goals. We bring an unparalleled level of experience and expertise and are here to protect, promote, and advance our industry. We’re here to grow it and future proof it. Today’s program is a testament to our commitment to the industry and the entire marketing world.

And I urge you to take full advantage of everything our conference has to offer.

– We’ll hear from industry-leading CMOs – We’ll talk about critical topics such as sustainability, AI, and we’ll examine global trends

– We’ll hear from challenger and established brands about why they love OOH

– We’ll hear from chief investment officers on how we can increase their investment in our medium. And much more.

Our Moment just this conference’s theme. It’s our reality, and the time is now.

…To move forward

…To drive momentum

…To create a movement

Because we are the medium of the moment.

Thank you.


OAAA's 2024 OOH Media Conference

Join our team at BackLite Media from April 29 to May 1, 2024, at OAAA’s 2024 OOH Media Conference, the industry’s must-attend annual event, as thought leaders, advertisers, agencies, media owners and creators gather for a unique opportunity to gain invaluable knowledge and stay at the forefront of the rapidly evolving world of out of home.

The theme for this year, "Our Moment," highlights the significance of unity within our industry during this transformative and momentous era for out of home. It serves as a celebration of collective achievements and a dedication to advancing the growth of our medium through collaborative efforts. Don’t miss what will be the most talked-about event of the year!

Explore the agenda packed with keynotes, panels, and interactive sessions led by industry leaders. Secure your spot now before tickets sell out: https://oaaa.ooh2024.com


WOO Congress sets sail for Hong Kong

The 2024 World Out of Home Organization Global Congress will be held in Hong Kong from June 5-7 2024.

This is the first time the Global Congress has been held in the Far East although a highly successful in-person regional event was held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia in October 2022. The recent 2023 Global Congress in Lisbon attracted a record 525 delegates from across the world.

WOO President Tom Goddard says: "Lisbon was an unprecedented success in every respect but, as a truly global organization, we can't rest on our laurels and it's right that we head to the Far East in 2024.

"Markets including China, Korea and Japan are seeing some of the most dramatic and positive transformations in global Out of Home and this will be an unmissable opportunity for WOO members, delegates and worldwide media to see the shape of future OOH right now."

The World Out of Home Organization’s Awards 2024 will be presented during the next Annual Congress (June 5th -7th) in Hong Kong on the first full day of Congress – Thursday June 6th.

This year again the Award recipients will be selected from a list of nominations by an Independent Awards Committee. This will include Tom Goddard the current President, two past Presidents, two current Board members plus a number of other recognised industry experts who we will be announcing shortly.


Out-of-Home is back on track says WOO President Tom Goddard

Out of Home is back on track says WOO President Tom Goddard at Africa Forum - here are six ways to take on the online challenge.

Global Out of Home revenue looks set to exceed 2022's $36.8bn, a full recovery from the pandemic, with six factors set to drive further growth in 2024 and beyond, World Out of Home Organization President Tom Goddard said, opening WOO's first in-person Africa Forum in Cape Town this week.

These are:

  • Digital Transformation - improving presentation standards, delivering 100% illumination and reducing lead times to hours instead of weeks.
  • Media Ownership Consolidation - Statistics clearly show how consolidated markets win a larger share of ad expenditure.
  • Better measurement - which builds trust, improves buyer confidence, compares well to other media and enables a common trading currency.
  • Automation - which improves efficiency and enables Programmatic trading.
  • Value for money - OOH compares favourably with all other media in its reach and impact. Better-funded, more unified trade bodies are key to getting this particular message across
  • Winning the contest with online - online, now 60% of the global ad market, is bedevilled by fears over brand safety, fraud, and fake news, the latter magnified in an election year across the world. This creates an enormous opportunity for a trusted medium like OOH

On Africa specifically, Goddard said OOH's share was ahead of most other continental markets although digital penetration was still far below the 30-40% norm in other regions. This indicated a great future for the medium although such a massive continent - 54 countries with around 2000 languages - posed challenges.

Goddard also announced that WOO board member Dave Roberts of Primedia is standing down. and thanked him for contribution and support. His place will be taken by Jacques du Preez of Provantage. The board has also agreed to recruit another member representing Sub-Saharan Africa and the process is underway.

Globally, said Goddard, a big challenge for OOH, aside from the seemingly remorseless rise of digital, remains sustainability. Major brands and media agencies have set fixed goals to reach carbon net zero by 2030 and not only do they expect media suppliers to follow suit, but many have also stated they will only buy media from Ad Net Zero-rated suppliers. That’s why WOO has set up a special task force and a dedicated website to help members achieve this goal.

But there is still much to celebrate, not least the massive creative impact of recent campaigns from the likes of McDonald's, Gucci, Chanel and British Airways, using both classic (static) OOH and digital to their fullest extent, among many others.

Out of Home, he concluded, demonstrably works.


Why Out of Home is the natural home for great creativity

Award-winning Havas Middle East creative director, writer and film director Serena Abi Aad will lead a discussion on creativity’s key role in driving Out of Home success at the World Out of Home Organization MENA Forum in Dubai from February 15-17. Havas won a stream of international creative awards for its Adidas ‘liquid billboard’ on the beach at Dubai that invited Arab women to dive “beyond the surface, part of its ‘I’m Possible’ campaign.

Data is playing a growing role in creative development in all media and she will be joined in Dubai by BackLite Media chief operating officer James Harrison who will outline the context for creativity in OOH and the data-rich world it has to navigate. BackLite is the biggest OOH media owner in Dubai.

The pair will look at:

- A creative’s viewpoint on harnessing creativity in an evolving OOH mediumWhat new options does OOH offer a creative?What are OOH’s strengths compared to other media
- Does OOH pose any particular creative challenges compared to other media?
- The growing importance of data in creative development
- How to harness ever-mushrooming technological wizardry for game-changing creativity

WOO chief marketing officer Richard Saturley says: “We’re very fortunate to have secured an outstanding all-round creative partitioner and executive in Serena Abi Aad to speak at the MENA Forum. She is a world class talent and there is no-one better to explore the role and possibilities of OOH in MENA and the wider media world.

“James Harrison is a business driver who completely understands the vital role that creativity needs to play in the development and growth of OOH and also the questions it needs to answer in a data-conscious world. I’m certain the two of them will deliver a session that is not just informative but truly inspiring.”

Click here for a Forum overview including the provisional speaker programme.


OMEGA’s Olympic Games Out of Home Campaign

OMEGA was the first-ever Official Timekeeper of the Olympic Games. As they fulfilled this role for the 29th time in history at the Olympic Games Tokyo 2020, they were the first to advertise on our brand-new portrait billboard on Sheikh Zayed Road. The Swiss watchmaker also made use of our Las Vegas Pole and curved screens at City Walk Dubai in order to maximise their campaign reach.

OMEGA’s massive out of home advertising campaign in Dubai during the recent Olympic Games showcased the Seamaster: their steel and blue ceramic Swiss-made watch. The campaign highlights their collaboration with the Olympics and the fact that they have been the official timekeeper since 1932, while also revealing their new timepiece.


The DPAA Summit 2022

Two weeks have passed since we sat together at Pier 60 in New York, listening to some great panels and speakers in a packed schedule and a packed venue. From the Meta Verse with adidas to understanding Programmatic Out of Home with Adomni. The message was clear; the future is dynamic, flexible, and digital.

The icing on the cake for our trip to the US was collecting the award for Most Creative Campaign for the adidas “I’m Possible” where adidas took over The Triple Crown with its “I’m Possible” user-generated content (UGC) campaign.

Through social media, adidas invited women to share photos of what sports means to them, along with their stories of turning the impossible into possible every day.

Every post shared, irrespective of the sport, was turned into billboards across the city in real-time, with the centrepiece being The Triple Crown on Sheikh Zayed Road. The billboards, in return, became countless pieces of social content, starting conversations about making sports more inclusive.

For a campaign activated in only one city, it was seen and talked about in over 25 countries, obtaining a reach of over 250 million.

Having collected DOOH-E, it was time to head back to Dubai and celebrate.


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